Hall of Fame
Attention Members! If you're interested in attending this exclusive event, the waitlist is now open. Hurry, as tickets are limited. Secure your spot by calling CCBA at 312-630-1157 today. Don't miss out - no tickets will be available for purchase at the door.
2024 Inductees
Attorney Sharon R. Barner
Judge Fredrick H. Bates
Judge Tommy H. Brewer, Jr.
Judge Bernetta D. Bush, Ret.
Past President Urie R. Clark
Judge H. Yvonne Coleman
Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman
Justice Joy V. Cunningham
Honorable Kimberly M. Foxx
Judge Raymond Funderburk, Ret.
Judge Sophia H. Hall
Judge Orville E. Hambright, Jr.
Attorney Victor P. Hendeson
Judge Cheyrl D. Ingram, Ret
Judge Arlander Keys, Ret.
Attorney Mary A. Melchor
Judge Lewis M. Nixon, III
President Zaldwaynaka L. Scott
Speaker Of The Illinois House Of Representatives, Emanuel Chris Welch
Attorney Andrea L. Zopp
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
Friends of CCBA
Friends Of Judge Arlene Coleman Romeo
Ashley Upkins For NBA President-Elect
Citizens For Justice Carl Anthony Walker
Table Sponsors
Honorable Fred H. Bates
Honorable Bernetta D. Bush, Ret.
Honorable H. Yvonne Coleman
Honorable Jaqueline Cox
Cummins Inc
Honorable John A. Fairman
Honorable Sophia H. Hall & Honorable Tracie R. Porter
Honorable Cheyrl D. Ingram, Ret.
Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman
Stacey Mccoy
Attorney Mary Melchor
Honorable Lewis M. Nixon, III
Attorney Andrea Zopp & President Z. Scott
2007 Inductees
Chester Blair
Honorable Everette Braden
Honorable Dorothy Brown
James E. Caldwell
John Tobias Dixon
Honorable Leo E. Holt
Honorable Arnette R. Hubbard
Donald Hubert
Professor Joyce A. Hughes
Professor Ronald Kennedy
Honorable Gay Lloyd Lott
Honorable Carl McCormick
Honorable Blanche Manning
E. Duke McNeil
Honorable Cecil Partee
Honorable Albert S. Porter
Robert Power
Honorable Ellis Reid
Honorable D. Adolphus Rivers
Honorable John W. Rogers
Ronald S. Samuels
Thomas N. Todd
Honorable Mitchell Ware
Honorable Ann Claire Williams
Edward A. Williams
Honorable Walter Williams
1997 Inductees
Honorable Carol Moseley Braun
Honorable Clarence Bryant
Honorable Roland Burris
Honorable William Cousins, Jr.
Earl B. Dickerson
Honorable Charles J. Durham
Honorable Charles E. Freeman
Honorable Calvin H. Hall
Honorable James L. Harris
Honorable Marion W. Garnett
Honorable Evelyn F. Johnson
Honorable Glenn T. Johnson
Honorable Sidney A. Jones, Jr.
Lawrence E. Kennon
Jewel Lafontant-Mankarious
Honorable George N. Leighton
James D. Montgomery
Honorable Odas Nicholson
Honorable James B. Parsons
Honorable William E. Peterson
Honorable R. Eugene Pincham
Honorable Lucia T. Thomas
Honorable Edward B. Toles
Honorable Howard T. Savage
Honorable Harold Washington